AEM Hosting Product Safety Event for Manufacturers

AEM will be hosting a product safety event in April to educate manufacturers on issues involving design, manufacture, compliance and safe use of products.

Proper preparation by manufacturers is the goal of the Association of Equipment Manufacturers' (AEM) product safety event April 23 to 26, 2012. The Product Safety & Compliance Seminar focuses on issues involved in design, manufacture, compliance and safe use of products, and the Product Liability Seminar helps attendees more effectively participate in products litigation.

The product safety and compliance seminar is April 23 to 25 and the liability seminar is April 26, both at the Pheasant Run Resort in St. Charles, IL.

Back by popular demand is a hands-on workshop, "Fundamentals: Building on the Cornerstone of Product Safety." The workshop includes a series of interactive peer exercises with emphasis on information leveling techniques, applied safety risk assessment, risk abatement alternatives and communicating issue-mitigation information. The workshop reinforces concepts outlined in an optional opening course, "The Cornerstone of Product Safety."

Product Safety "Best Practices"

Product safety and compliance seminar topics include Tier 4 field experiences, worldwide chemical management regulation compliance, applying the standards to safety signs and technical manuals, advanced CE marking, incident investigation and trouble-free techniques in engineering documentation.

A special keynote presentation will focus on leveraging social media in the business environment, beyond branding.

The product liability seminar features a speaker roster of experienced trial and corporate attorneys to discuss topics relevant and meaningful to off-road equipment manufacturing, to help attendees more effectively support company trial counsel during products litigation.

Content Developed By and For Industry Professionals

The AEM safety-related seminars are designed by off-road equipment manufacturing industry professionals specifically to meet the needs of companies in the agricultural, construction, forestry, mining and utility sectors.

The product safety and compliance seminar is geared to company management, product safety and quality managers, design engineers, technical writers, and research and development personnel, as well as training, service and communications professionals involved in product support.

The liability seminar is of particular value to the manufacturer who does not have the benefit of dedicated corporate counsel.

The seminars are open to off-road equipment manufacturer personnel and company-designated service providers. Attendees participating in both events receive a liability seminar registration discount.

To provide extra value to attendees, AEM's educational programming offers certificates of attendance that registrants can provide as proof of contact hours and continuing education.
