AEM announces new collaborative event between AG CONNECT and Commodity Classic

Beginning in March 2016, AG CONNECT and Commodity Classic will become annual co-located events.

AEM announces a new collaborative venture between two leading industry events: AG CONNECT and Commodity Classic. Separately, these two trade shows are known for their valuable education sessions, new products and innovations exhibited on the show floor, and excellent networking opportunities. Now, these qualities will be combined into one event that will offer even more value. 

What this means:

  • There will be no AG CONNECT in 2015. The first collaboration will take place in March 2016 in New Orleans unveiling the premier experiences of Commodity Classic and AG CONNECT into one must-attend event.
  • Commodity Classic 2014 and 2015 will take place as planned.
  • The joint event will happen on an annual basis.

AEM has a long tradition of successfully co-locating tradeshows to create true industry events. This also serves to reduce the overall number of agriculture exhibitions, thereby helping exhibitor marketing budgets. This collaboration is a great opportunity to do all of that and provide an even better world-class experience for the buyers and sellers.
