Guaresi introduces new Super G 48-inch tomato harvester

The Guaresi Super G 48-inch tomato harvester offers the option of two pick-up heads and an operator cab mounted on four silent blocks to eliminate noise and vibrations.

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Displayed at EIMA International 2014, Guaresi's new Super G 48-inch tomato harvester is a self-propelled harvester which includes two pick-up options – one with an inside width of 150 cm and the other with an inside width of 120 cm. The 150 cm pick-up head offers the ability to adjust vine-shields at 150, 170 and 190 cm, allowing harvest of tomatoes planted in double rows at 60-70-80 cm. The 120 cm head adjusts vine-shields at 120, 140 and 160 cm. The low incidence angle between pick-up head and soil reduces dirt loading and simplifies machine driving, including in wet conditions. It’s equipped with powered metal rollers, hydraulic weight control and automatic stop fingers. Single or double disc pick-ups available, as well.

Single and double disc pick-ups can be mounted with just the 32-inch lateral electronic dirt sorter and are mainly used on “beds” cultivation. The contemporary harvest of two beds reduces maneuver time by 50% and allows to the machine to work always on a “clean field.” 


The harvester’s shaker measures 150 cm, and features three large counterweights and new feeding rubber roller positioning. It eliminates problems with weed or dirt. Shaking capacity is over 80 tons per hour.
As usual it’s maintenance free, reliable and noiseless. 

Blowing fan

Increased in air power and hydraulic power, the harvester’s blowing fan now has three air intakes, granting uniform air flow and perfect cleaning of tomatoes. A new flat roller positioned on the transversal belt eliminates any remaining small leaves. 


The flap-less incline feeding chain before the electronic sorters provides perfect flat belt feeding in all working conditions. It has great fruit transporting capacity, it doesn’t damage tomatoes and it doesn’t get dirt or mud as traditional flap incline chains typically do. It’s also possible to change speed and angle of the chain to improve fruit transport capacity. 

48-inch self-leveling electronic sorters

Fed by flat PVC belts measuring 125 cm at a speed of 65 meters/minute, the 48-inch self-leveling electronic sorters can sort high quantities of fruit with precision. It includes completely renewed hardware and new software, and is coupled to a high-quality reject assembly measuring 20 mm. It also features state-of-the-art cylinders for fruit sorting. All information, including harvesting speed and harvested surface, are shown on the driver’s console. 

Sorting belt

The sorting belt measures 125 cm without restrictions, granting a maximum capacity in all conditions. The sun cover and adjustable platform grants a good working area for labor people sorting. 

Bulk elevator

With double hydraulic articulation and inside width of 96 cm, the bulk elevator has an incredibly high capacity. Located just rear of the driver, it allows perfect visibility and also gives “depth sense” of the side staying truck. It has adjustable speed with independent stop. 

Driver cabin

In the central lower and advanced position, the driver’s cab gives perfect visibility of the pick-up and of the bulk elevator. Drivers control the entire machine through the all-in-one-hand joystick. The wide cabin has air conditioning, Hi-fi, a refrigerator and four cameras that can be positioned in different places. It is mounted on four silent blocks, and independent from the machine chassis to eliminate noise and vibrations. 


The steel tubular chassis has the well-known robustness of all Guaresi machines. Perfect weight distribution is granted by the 50 cm hydraulic lateral translation which provides stability in all working conditions. The entire machine is higher in comparison to standard harvesters to keep the machine cleaner and simplify maintenance and cleaning operations. 

Rear vine-cutter

Moved by an independent hydraulic pump, the rear vine cutter has very low power absorption and grants perfect vine cutting, simplifying all post-harvest operations. 

The tomato harvester also includes an automatic greasing system.
