Series 5300D TORKDISC In-line Rotary Torque Sensor Systems

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PCB Automotive Sensors, a division of PCB Piezotronics, introduces Series 5300D TORKDISC in-line rotary torque sensor systems designed for test applications requiring a robust rotary torque transducer where axial space is at a premium.

  • Electronic module converts torque signals into a high-speed digital representation
  • Data is transmitted to a non-contacting pick-up loop, with no risk of noise or data corruption
  • Remote receiver unit converts the digital data to a high-level analog output voltage, and a serial digital output
  • Incorporates dual high level analog outputs, AC and DC coupled
  • DC bandwidth to 8500 Hz
  • 8-pole low pass elliptical filter with user selectable frequencies for minimal roll off at each filter selection
  • 2-pole Butterworth high pass filter with a wide range of user selectable cut off frequencies is included with the AC coupled output
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