AquaMakks Water Cooled Clutch/Brake

Aquamakkswatercooledclutchbrake 10058499
Wichitaclutchusaukandindustrialclutchusa 10056301

Wichita Clutch's AquaMaKKs air, hydraulic, or spring set actuated and water cooled clutch/brake design features copper wear plates optimized for heavy-duty continuous slip tension applications.

  • Consist of a series of alternating friction discs and water jackets
  • Torque is transmitted by applying axial force from the pneumatic, hydraulic, or spring set actuator
  • Copper wear plates are used for heat dissipation
  • Provides accurate torque control for constant tensioning
  • Suited for applications in oil and gas, metal processing and forming, forestry, and marine deck machinery
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