CiA Launches CAN 2020 Event

CiA's new CAN 2020 event is a seminar focused on future CAN technologies including CAN FD, CANopen FD and more.

CAN in Automation (CiA) has announced a new event called CAN 2020. This seminar is all about the future of CAN FD, CANopen FD, J1939 on CAN FD, and other technologies. 

The CAN protocol was introduced in 1986. The first cars using CAN networks were launched 5 years later: The legendary S-class model W140 by Mercedes. In 2016, CiA expects an annual installation of an additional 1.8 billion CAN interfaces.

But what about the future? When can we expect CAN FD on the roads?

CAN FD was introduced officially in 2012 at the 13th international CAN Conference at the Hambach castle when the automotive industry required more bandwidth for CAN networks. Since then, the first CAN FD-capable semiconductors have been developed. The first cars using CAN FD will appear in 2019/2020. CAN FD will replace step-by-step Classical CAN. No doubt: You can still run CAN FD with a single bit-rate up to 1 Mbit/s. But you can use longer frames with a payload up to 64 byte.

In the first CAN FD generation, the automotive industry will use data-phase bit-rates up to 2 Mbit/s in star-like or hybrid topologies. After gaining some experiences, the carmakers will increase the speed to 5 Mbit/s and use some dedicated ringing suppression circuitries. Non-automotive users may choose more strict linear topology with very short stubs, in order to reduce ringing on the bus-lines. 

Since CiA will inform its members and associated CAN fellows always about CAN FD opportunities, we will organize so-called CAN 2020 events. In these events the CAN FD technology is described and further requirements are collected and the next steps are discussed.

The participation for members is free-of-charge. Non-members have to pay a small fee to compensate the expenses. CiA is a nonprofit association and therefore does not intend to make any profit.

The content of the CAN 2020 event covers basic technical information on CAN FD, the impact on higher-layer protocols including CANopen, J1939, etc., and the challenges of system designers, when using higher bit-rates. The event is dedicated for decision makers in device development, technical marketing and system design.

First events are scheduled in:

  • Nuremberg (DE) on May 10
  • Birmingham (GB) on May 13
  • Berlin (DE) on September 27
  • Lyon (FR) on October 6
  • Essen (DE) on October 27
  • Utrecht (NL) on November 6

Events in Chicago, Atlanta and Vancouver are planned, as well.
