ASABE Adopting ISO Documents on Agricultural Equipment Safety

ASABE says it will adopt seven ISO documents related to agricultural equipment safety.

The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) has initiated projects to nationally adopt seven international standards on agricultural equipment safety.

The documents proposed for adoption are:

  • ISO 3776-1:2006, Tractors and machinery for agriculture—Seat belts—Part 1: Anchorage location requirements.
  • ISO 3776-3:2009, Tractors and machinery for agriculture—Seat belts—Part 3: Requirements for assemblies.
  • ISO 4252:2007, Agricultural tractors—Operator's workplace, access and exit—Dimensions.
  • ISO 4254-6:2009, Agricultural machinery—Safety—Part 6: Sprayers and liquid fertilizer distributors.
  • ISO 4254-11:2010, Agricultural machinery—Safety—Part 11: Pick-up balers.
  • ISO 26322-1:2008, Tractors for agriculture and forestry—Safety—Part 1: Standard tractors.
  • ISO 26322-2:2010, Tractors for agriculture and forestry—Safety—Part 2: Narrow-track and small tractors.

The adoptions, if approved, will increase the visibility and use of the standards and benefit international trade. They will also further harmonize national and international standards, a goal that facilitates manufacturing, safety advancements and product marketing worldwide.

ASABE has been actively involved in the adoption of ISO standards, both identically and with deviations. To date, more than 30 ISO standards have been adopted by the organization and are being used by agricultural equipment manufacturers throughout North America and beyond.
