Hyatt Centrick Beale Street
Memphis, TN
Phone:+44 (0)20 7503 1265
Formerly known as the Integer Emissions Summit USA, Argus Vehicle Emissions and DEF Summit provides crucial insights into legislation and advanced emissions control technologies for the on-and off-highway sectors.
Over 40 speakers are slated to present at the summit, discussing advanced technology, legislation and strategy.
Topics in years past have included:
- Technology strategies to achieve Phase 2 compliance
- Low NOx standards – results in California and the potential to roll out a federal regulation
- Approaches to achieve advanced energy efficiency in the SuperTruck II program
- Advanced engine and aftertreatment technology strategies for emissions reduction and fuel efficiency
- Outlook on alternatives: future fuels, electric and hybrid developments in heavy-duty trucks
- Updates on regulatory activity in the North American market
- Impact of global regulations on the North American industry
- Advanced Tier 4 Final engine and aftertreatment technology approaches
- Developments in emissions reduction technology and system integration
- Hybridization and electrification opportunities