Durst Launches Three Foreign-Language Websites to Better Serve Customers Around the Globe

Durst is enhancing its presence in the global marketplace with the launch of websites in Chinese, German and Italian.

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To cast a wider net in the international business community, Durst has launched three websites designed to appeal to and service foreign language-speaking audiences. The websites provide the opportunity for Durst to present information to potential customers that speak Chinese, German or Italian.

“The Internet is a vital part of Durst’s global outreach,” says John Locarno, Global Sales and Marketing Manager. “We transformed the Durst website into a multilanuage site populated with high-quality, non-English language solutions. The new websites give visitors located in other countries where English is not the dominant language the content they need to form an impression of Durst and our company’s product offerings.”

Internet users prefer to view online content relevant to their market, from corporate literature to product specifications, in their native languages. Connected to the main company website, the Durst foreign-language sites build on information found on the main site. They enhance visitor experiences by communicating detailed product descriptions, support materials and contact information. For example, visitors can research the features, benefits and applications of Durst modular hydraulic pump drives and the new line of standardized transfer cases.

Prior to launch, the Chinese, German and Italian translations were reviewed for accuracy and consistency of language.

Durst thinks, works and deals internationally, and we care about our customers,” Locarno says. “Visitors to the foreign-language sites will not have to rely so much on getting additional information from the English site.”
