Regal Beloit Electromechanical Powertrain

The electromechanical powertrain can be used in a range of industrial applications and integrated with Regal-produced components to create a custom solution.

Regal Power Train Solo 003 Rgb
Regal Beloit Corporation

Regal Beloit Corporation’s electromechanical powertrain encompasses a broad range of Regal-produced components that can be integrated to create complete end-to-end solutions.

  • Can be customized to meet specific application requirements
  • Optimized to maximize energy efficiency and productivity
  • Integrated Regal-produced components include motors, speed reducers, gearing, couplings, bearings, belt drives and more
  • Performance monitored through cloud-based Perceptiv internet of things (IoT) platform which collects and analyzes data to support range of diagnostic and prognostic activities
  • Used within industries such as bulk and unit material handling, mining and other critical industrial applications

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