If you're an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) considering a transition to battery-powered products, you're not alone — and you shouldn't do it alone, either. Learn how an experienced partner can make your electrification experience a positive one.

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**Content sponsored by Vanguard

As customer demand for battery-powered equipment increases, more OEMs are looking to convert natural-gas engine products to battery platforms — or ​​engineer an entirely new piece of electrified equipment. The reality of a more electrified future is approaching more quickly than ever, but making a smooth transition requires planning. Here are some key factors to keep in mind when setting out to design battery-powered equipment:

Make Safety Your Top Priority

All moving equipment requires safety to be considered in its design. Battery-powered equipment is no exception. Thoughtful engineering can help ensure safety for end users and service technicians. The right electrification partner will have a plan and protocol in place for each step of the equipment design process. At the end of the day, your solution should be thoroughly researched, tested and proven to provide safe operation — the best power providers will help you navigate that process. 

Educate Before Electrifying

Your electrification partner should fully understand how your product will be used so they can help you make the most informed choices about your battery needs. For example, a piece of equipment that’s used for long periods of time without powering off has very different battery needs than a piece of equipment that’s used in short bursts. A good partner will ask many questions about your equipment before offering an electrification answer.

Avoid “One Size Fits All”

Work with an electrification partner that can design different solutions to meet each of your products’ needs. “Universal” electrification approaches can negatively impact product performance — and your customers’ satisfaction.

Think Beyond Batteries

A high-performing electrified product needs more than a quality battery pack. It requires a charger and battery management system (BMS): Working together, they intelligently optimize power delivery, minimize charging times and maximize operating life. Make sure your electrification partner takes an integrated approach to battery power. Your product performance depends on it.

Test. Test. Test.

As prototypes evolve closer to production models, thorough and rigorous testing is essential. Your electrification partner should work closely with you during the testing process, whether they come to you or take your product to their own testing facility. What’s most important is to identify and resolve all issues before manufacturing — and especially before end users put your products to work in the field.

Work With an Industry Leader

Ready to electrify your equipment? Briggs & Stratton is transforming the electrification process for OEMs like you with its Vanguard battery products. 

