CANCELED: AEF Plugfest (Spring Session)

The Spring edition of AEF's Plugfest has been cancelled for 2020.

July 6, 2020
July 10, 2020
Aef Plugfest Fall 2012 Austria1

*NOTE: The 2020 spring Plugfest has been cancelled due to the ongoing issues surrounding COVID-19. However, the fall event is currently still scheduled to take place in October.*

Twice a year the Agricultural Industry Electronics Foundation (AEF) hosts Plugfest, once in the U.S. and once in Europe. This annual event provides attendees an opportunity to test the compatibility of electronics components for agricultural equipment. 

During the event electronics developers from various companies can test the compatibility of their systems with one another by combining control units with various tractor terminals. 

Full details about the Spring Plugfest can be found on AEF's website