RP-26401000N0 and RP-2621X000 Solid-State Power Controllers

Data Device Corp. introduces its RP-26401000N0 and RP-2621X000 solid-state power controllers featuring on-board DC-to-DC converters.

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Data Device Corporation (DDC) introduces its latest and most advanced generation of solid-state power controllers (SSPC), the RP-26401000N0 and RP-2621X000.

  • Features on-board DC-to-DC converters to simplify power supply requirements
  • Command interface reduces bus traffic
  • Digital discrete control capability improves system integration
  • On-Board DC-to-DC Converter eliminates need for an external bias supply
  • Includes Serial RS-485 bus interface option
  • RP-26401000N0 features eight channels and 25 amps per channel (200 amp total power)
  • RP-2621X000 features 16 channels and 8/10/25 amps per channel (238 amp total power)
  • Provides advanced programmability to simplify crew operation, automated power control to optimize power utilization, and automated prognostic/diagnostic reporting
  • Cards offer intelligent power management advantages such as accurate over-current protection, programmability, load monitoring and network control to simplify vehicle power management
  • Provides size, weight and power savings
  • Features higher reliability and longer life compared to electromechanical circuit breakers and relays
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