RPM's Chief Technology Officer Appointed ISA95 Committee Member

Paul Beesley, Chief Technology Officer at RungePincockMinarco, has been appointed a full voting member of the International Society of Automation ISA95 committee.

RungePincockMinarco (RPM)

RungePincockMinarco (RPM) announces Chief Technology Officer Paul Beesley has accepted the appointment as a full voting member on the International Society of Automation (ISA), ISA95 committee.

The International Society of Automation is a highly respected professional body responsible for developing standards for the instrumentation and automation of systems across a variety of industries. Recently the ISA Committee turned its attention to the mining industry which has not adopted common standards for technology in the past.

The ISA95 standards are currently being modified to include mining specific characteristics and attributes so that technology suppliers to the mining industry have a common framework to work from. Once implemented, this framework will enable data to flow freely across the software, automation and control systems within a company’s mining operations.

Commenting on the appointment, RPM’s CEO Richard Mathews said, “The release of the ISA95 mining messaging profile will be a major step forward for the mining industry and we are excited to be a part of it. Paul’s appointment as a full voting member of the committee reflects the commitment both RPM and Paul have already made to the introduction of this standard. Our large mining customers are committed to enterprise-enabled software solutions which not only talk together between the different solutions released by the same vendor but also talk to the software solutions of other vendors in the market using a common 'standardized communication language.' We believe that the new ISA95 standard will break down barriers within the mining industry and across the entire value chain. Following the lead from the manufacturing industry, the mining industry will over time adopt a common set of standard and framework which encourages unification and collaboration for the benefit of the mining industry.” 
