Young Designers Present Ideas for Bus of the Future to CNH Industrial, Iveco Bus

CNH's Paris Bus 2035 project gave design students in France the opportunity to propose their ideas for the future of buses and transportation in Paris.

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The transport sector is evolving rapidly, most evidently in urban areas with the rise of smart cities and the technologies that are defining them. With demand for new and fresh ways of thinking, the design department at CNH Industrial collaborates with design schools around the
world to work closely with the designers of the future.

Paris Bus 2035 is one of the department’s latest collaborations, which sees Iveco Bus together with CNH Industrial Design leading a student project at L’École de design Nantes Atlantique (The Nantes School of Design) in France. As part of Paris Bus 2035, students of the school’s newly established Transport Design program were asked to propose their ideas on what the city of Paris’ future buses could look like. The program’s 15 students presented their concepts at an event in Nantes on May 20. The presentations put forth digital sketches, 3D models and mock-ups, which incited a dialogue between the students, academic faculty and the CNH Industrial Design team.

The project was overseen by Claire d’Achon, Senior Industrial Designer responsible for the CNH Industrial Bus product ranges. An alumnus of The Nantes School of Design herself, d’Achon, together with the entire design team, have contributed to enriching the students’ understanding of bus design from the exterior structure to interiors and the services which a bus can offer.

“Paris Bus 2035 challenges students to envision where transportation will be 20 years from now. We asked them to come up with something that would serve as a monument for the city, much as the red double-decker buses have come to symbolize London. We wanted them to incorporate a very French DNA in their designs which evoked attention to detail, quality and all-around luxury,” explains d’Achon.

One of the project’s participating students will be chosen for an internship program at CNH Industrial’s Bus Design Department in Vénissieux, France, where they will work closely with d’Achon and the Bus Design team.

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