EPA recently announced its FY 2012 clean diesel retrofit grant program, and along with it a host of changes to projects, funding levels and technology solutions that are eligible under this year’s announcement. EPA estimates that $20M in funding will be available through the competitive application process, with a deadline of June 4 for submission. More emphasis is being placed on larger projects and projects in areas that are transitional or borderline non-attainment. The RFP, supporting documents and periodic updates to questions asked about the program on its website.
The Diesel Technology Forum held an exclusive webinar to the diesel engine and equipment manufacturers and dealers to learn more about the newly-announced federal funding for modernizing and upgrading diesel engines through the Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) Federal grant program. While EPA held several public webinars, this was the only event tailored exclusively to diesel engine and equipment makers, dealers and suppliers. Attendees heard first-hand from the U.S. EPA National Clean Diesel Campaign Manager about the many important changes, new project emphasis and new matching fund levels for engine repowers. EPA’s new rebate program was also discussed.
Click here to view the recorded webinar and presentations.