Cummins Debuting Stage V Engine Technology at bauma 2019

Cummins will debut the QSK60 Stage V engine which is part of its 560-2,611 kW mining lineup, as well as its fixed speed G-Drive Stage V engines.

Cummins B6.7 Stage V engine
Cummins B6.7 Stage V engine
Cummins Inc.
Cumminslo 10108212

Stage V continues to be a key focus for Cummins Inc. at bauma 2019

Alexei Ustinov, Vice President Off-Highway Engine Business, says, “Since unveiling our Stage V construction engines at bauma 2016, we have made great progress and are in production with all engine models from F3.8 to X15. We have over 200 machine installations completed or in progress, which is more than at Stage IV, and our customers benefitting from key product updates that deliver more with less. We are developing alternate power capability such as hybrid, electric and fuel cells, however Stage V remains a key part of our plan.” 

Cummins Stage V products come with more power and torque, are less complex and easier to install, and require less servicing. This offers OEMs the ability to increase machine capability and offer more value or downsize engines to reduce cost. The B6.7 (displayed at bauma) reflects 100 years of engine innovation, offering 30% higher torque than Stage IV with 243 kW (326 hp) of power, enabling it to replace engine of higher displacement with no impact on machine operation. 

Also featured at bauma will be the Stage V F3.8 power unit. Delivered as a complete and ready-made power package, it comprises an engine, Single Module aftertreatment, radiator and cooling system – as well as auxiliaries such as mounting feet, hoses and an air cleaner. The unit is more than 70% pre-approved for installation, reducing customers’ time and resources for integration. 

Stage V engines and power units are available from 75–503 kW (100–675 hp). 


2019 Stage V is the first European emissions step which impacts engines above 560 kW (750 hp). At bauma, Cummins will debut the QSK60 Stage V engine which is part of its 560-2,611 kW (750-3,500 hp) mining line up. The QSK60 is available from 1398-2,125 kW (1,875-2,850 hp) for excavator and dump truck use with a proven durability of close to 4.2 million L (1.1 million U.S. gallons to overhaul). 

A redesigned power cylinder, optimized wastegate turbocharging and improved crankcase breather system work to keep particulate matter (PM) below the Stage V levels. Cummins modular SCR system is used to reduce NOx to the required level and features an integrated decomposition chamber and Cummins’ airless dosing system designed to last the life of the engine. The use of SCR reduces engine backpressure, for increased fuel economy and optimized temperature management minimizes Adblue/DEF consumption. 

The two-stage QSK60 engine features a simplified air handling configuration using Cummins turbochargers with intercoolers to achieve an altitude capability of over 3,500 m with easy access to the top end for servicing. 

The latest NanoNet filtration technology captures and retains more harmful particles than traditional media, for longer fuel pump and injector life with better reliability. 

Cummins Tier 4 Final combustion and emission technology solution for North America has positioned us to meet Stage V with minimal OEM impact. Using proven SCR technology with the renowned reliability and durability of the QSK range means customer can select Cummins with no concerns,” adds Ustinov. 


Cummins has announced the availability of fixed speed G-Drive Stage V engines for bauma. The benefits seen with the variable speed Stage V engines of higher power density and reduced complexity (by the removal of EGR and using a simpler aftertreatment system) have been carried over, with further optimization for generator set use. 

“The increased power capability could offer downsizing opportunities with easier installation to GOEM customers,” concludes Ustinov. 

Initially B6.7 and L9 stand-by and prime power ratings at 50 and 60Hz will be available, with other engines to follow later.
