2016 brings our global vision to life

The year was challenging, to say the least. The agricultural equipment market is performing poorly, to put it mildly. The mining industry may or may not have found the bottom of the pit it's been falling into, and Oil & Gas is no one's go-to market for growth opportunities. So the first question we asked was, "Is 2016 going to be better than 2015, or just more of the same?"

At a recent 2015 CECE CEMA Summit on the Smart Regulation for Smart Machines, an Economic Forum provided insight into the future off-highway markets around the world.

Construction has a bright future, according to Antonio Mura, Director at CRESME Ricerche. Even though the construction industry is experiencing its worst year since 2009 in 2015, there will be significant growth, as much as 17% until 2019. 

According to David Phillips of Off-Highway Research, as the Chinese construction equipment market tumbles and headlines are made with crises and scandals from Russia to Brazil, we see the unusual situation that sales growth is concentrated in Europe and North America. (Read more on the Summit.)

In line with construction equipment's bright future, and David Phillips' emphasis on the growth concentration in Europe and North America, OEM Off-Highway has decided to expand its print readership into the growing European market for its March and October 2016 issues!

The March 2016 issue will reach Europe just in time for bauma to provide show previews to not only the North American readers heading overseas, but also to the local Europeans that showcase their specialized equipment on the show floor.

Our editorial message and content has always been global in nature, and now our readership will expand to offer our valuable international content to a wider qualified audience of OEMs and product development team members.
