How to enable Software-Defined Off-highway vehicles

The automotive industry is undergoing a paradigm shift, with an increasing number of vehicle functions and features being driven by software technology.

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*This content is brought to you in partnership with Kyungwoo Systech

The Software Defined Vehicle (SDV) initiative is revolutionizing the planning, design, development, deployment, and maintenance of automobiles. This transition is being accelerated by electrification and increasingly stringent safety regulations. Modern vehicles are now fundamentally reliant on advanced software technology.

Although off-highway vehicles remain predominantly hardware-centric, this doesn't mean they can't benefit from the automotive industry's shift towards software-driven innovation. In fact, the hardware-focused nature of mobile machines presents significant opportunities to integrate advanced software technology, thereby accelerating innovation, improving efficiency, and enhancing safety.

In this whitepaper, Kyungwoo presents a unique approach to enable more software-driven off-highway machinery development and operation in a flexible and cost-effective manner covering following topics: 

  • Why is SDV the hottest topic in the automotive industry?
  • Does this trend make sense for off-highway vehicle development?
  • Why is the adoption of this critical trend so slow in the off-highway vehicles industry?
  • What are some ideas to overcome the obstacles?
  • How would this re-shape the industry?
