PolyLube and MRP-SL Bushings

Polylubeandmrpslbushings 10058308
Polygoncompany 10055955

A robust bushing for material handling equipment, high duty cranes, earth-moving equipment, construction equipment, agriculture equipment,food processing systems or other high-load applications.Supports a life of over 500,000 cycles with low friction and minimal wear of under 0.006" after 1.6 million cycles in testing.MRP and MRP-SL are built to be of equal performance to Polygon's Fiber Series line, but at a lower price point.

MRP-SL was developed to decrease friction and reduce the typical break in period by using an added lubricant embedded within the surface of the liner material. This addresses noise due to initial stick-slip conditions for lightly loaded joints.PolyLube MRP bearings can withstand 30,000 PSI under dynamic loading or 60,000 PSI static with minimum distortion. For dry running applications, the maximum speed is approximately 10 surface feet per minute.Full listing

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