MICHELIN CerexBIB 2 with IF and VF CFO+ Agricultural Tires

The MICHELIN CerexBIB 2 with IF and VF CFO+ technology can provide up to 35% more load capacity at the same pressure.


The MICHELIN CerexBIB 2 with IF and VF CFO+ designations pushes the load and pressure limits for combine harvesters and other large harvesting equipment.

  • Now available in nine front sizes and seven rear sizes
  • CFO+ technology offers second and lower 6 mph cyclic loading table over standard CFO of one 10-mph cyclic loading table
  • Farmers may gain up to a 10% bonus(2) in load-carrying capacity at same pressure, or option of carrying same load at lower pressures to maximize floatation and traction, and minimize soil compaction
  • Central tire inflation system enabled
  • Provides up to 35% more load capacity at the same pressure versus leading competitors(2)
  • May run as low as 17 psi while carrying a load of 21,740 lbs. (9861.1 kg)
  • Contact patch expands up to 35%(3) to reduce soil compaction and protect soil for future harvests
  • Tread is designed to increase traction, fuel savings and improve safety
  • Incorporates MICHELIN Ultraflex IF and VF technology which offers good load capacity, low ground pressure and high levels of traction in the field(4)
  • Offers fuel savings up to 10%(1) as well as potentially contributes to increased crop yields(5) 
  • Front sizes include: VF520/85R42, VF580/85R42, VF710/70R42, IF800/65R32, IF800/70R32, IF800/70R38, IFVF900/60R32, VF900/60R38 and VF900/60R42
  • Rear sizes offered: VF500/85R34, VF520/80R26, VF520/85R30, VF620/70R26, VF620/70R30, VF710/65R30 and VF750/65R26


1. According to field test results from more than 80 demonstrations per year conducted worldwide by Michelin.
2. Based on a study comparing the Bridgestone VT Combine IF CFO tire, a Trelleborg TM2000 tire, a MICHELIN CEREXBIB 2 VF CFO+ tire and a MITAS SFT CHO tire in size 900/60R32.
3. Based on internal testing comparing a MICHELIN CEREXBIB 2 CFO+ tire and a MICHELIN MEGAXBIB tire in size 900/60R32.
4. Based on a study comparing a first-generation MICHELIN CEREXBIB, a MICHELIN MEGAXBIB and a MICHELIN CEREXBIB 2 VT CFO+ in size 900/60R32.
5. Smith E., Misiewicz, P.A., White, D.R., and Godwin, R.J., 2014, Harper Adams Study, Effects of traffic and tillage on crop yield (winter wheat Triticum aestivum) and the physical properties of a sandy loam soil.

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