About 100 engineers attended the 15th international CAN Conference (iCC) held in Vienna. The 22 presentations were of high quality, says the organizer, CAN in Automation (CiA). The main focus was on CAN FD, the improved CAN protocol introduced at the 13th iCC in the Hambach castle (Germany). Other topics included Internet of Things (IoT) and secure communication in CAN network systems. Bosch presented a security extension to the CAN protocol.
Daimler discussed some internal research results on CAN FD system design aspects. The airborne industry made in an ad hoc presentation a commitment to use CAN FD in aircrafts. In the tabletop exhibition Cypress, Fraunhofer, Kvaser, Microchip and Renesas showed their latest ISO CAN FD implementations. Microchip announced a CAN FD stand-alone controller with integrated transceiver.
Another interesting paper was given by Denso about its Ringing Suppression technology based on dynamic bus impedance adjustment.
All presentations are documented in the proceedings, which can be purchased from the CiA office in Nuremberg (Germany). This includes the papers on transceiver add-on circuitry hiding CAN FD messages to legacy Classical CAN implementations by Kvaser (FD Filter) and NXP (FD Shield).