OEM Data Delivery Launches Bluetooth Tracker Product Line

OEM Data Delivery's Bluetooth Tracker and Bluetooth Tag capture and deliver utilization and location data for all equipment, attachments and tools in a fleet.

Bluetooth tracker
Bluetooth tracker

OEM Data Delivery has announced the launch of its new Bluetooth Tracker product line, developed to best meet the current and future equipment and asset management needs of companies in all off-highway industries. 

The product line’s two hardware widgets, Bluetooth Tracker (available in three different configurations specific to motor type) and Bluetooth Tag, capture and deliver utilization and location data for all equipment, attachments and tools in a fleet. The devices function with fuel-powered engines, electric-powered motors, as well as non-powered equipment, attachments and tools. 

Bluetooth tagBluetooth tag

The three configurations of Bluetooth Tracker are designed with a replaceable battery for large, rugged motorized equipment. The three Bluetooth Tracker configurations are: a vibration-activated hour meter for fuel-powered equipment; an ignition-activated hour meter for electric-powered equipment; and a magneto hour meter designed for small engines without batteries. The Bluetooth Tag is best suited for non-motorized attachments and tools. 

“The Bluetooth Tracker leverages and expands a company’s investment in IT. The data is captured through smartphones, tablets and laptops. From there, the data is delivered to the cloud through the company’s wifi or cellular connections,” explains OEM Data Delivery President Sam Simons. “Once the data is in the cloud storage through .csv data files or A.P.I.’s (Application Program Interfaces). 

To accompany the Bluetooth Tracker product line, OEM Data Delivery has also launched the BT Tracker app for iOS . An Android app will be available in January. For Windows, the app will be available in February. 

Designed for custom configuration depending on job-specific equipment and process needs, the devices are ideal for use in construction, mining, aggregate, utility, agriculture, warehouse, amusement park industries, and airport ground support , among others. 

“The Bluetooth Trackers allow more visibility on all the assets, not just the equipment and vehicles, says Simons. “We are very excited about this technology and will be moving all of our existing products over to Bluetooth, including our fuel systems and various sensor products. Our capability to design and manufacture, along with Bluetooth technology, brings the Internet of Things (IoT) to the off-highway equipment market.” 

Bluetooth Tracker products are easily installed to any piece of equipment in under a minute. With each device and configuration priced at well under $100 per unit, the product line is modeled for standardization, enabling companies in off-highway industries to track utilization and location of all equipment assets they own. 

Deploying OEM Data Delivery’s Bluetooth Trackers eliminates expensive cellular data charges off-highway companies face when relying on traditional equipment hour meters. Scalable, easy-to-use and seamlessly integrated into an API of choice, Bluetooth Trackers are engineered to suit the unique needs of all off-highway equipment asset management teams. 

The Bluetooth Tracker line for various widgets and configurations is the first of OEM Data Delivery’s many new bluetooth-connected product lines to hit the market. Others are in development for off-highway use in the near future. 
