elobau's standard and customized fuel sensor solutions

elobau's 351TEG Series float switch with fuel feed and return provides additional extraction and fill pipes for the measuring units.
elobau's 351TEG Series float switch with fuel feed and return provides additional extraction and fill pipes for the measuring units.

A standard product offering (which in this context refers to small level sensors produced in mass quantity) from elobau has a switching point with function options of a Normally Open (N/O), Normally Closed (N/C) or a change-over contact. Shape and measure points are specified by elobau and cannot be customized. The standard level sensor can be made of several materials including PVC, PA, PP, PVDF and stainless steel. The leads also are available in different materials and in different temperature specifications. Different float sizes and shapes cover a variety of applications.

A configurator kit is offered by elobau for customizing fuel level sensor solutions. The configurator is contained on elobau’s website and allows the user to input critical application information and will then calculate a customized solution that can be produced once an order has been placed.

The float switch assembly-system includes different heads, flanged connections, rising pipes and, depending on the rising pipes, different floats which vary in size and material.

Connectivity is also variable; elobau offers flying-leads, different types of connectors and connection boxes. The ideal sensor can be customized from this range of modules and the customer can precisely specify sensing points as required for the respective application.

This article is part of a larger article on liquid level sensing technologies for mobile equipment tanks. Click here to read the article "On the Level" 
