Automation Opportunity in Asia Pacific

The traditional markets of Europe and America are growing and continuing to invest in intelligent systems, but future opportunity with automation technology is in Asia.

Luka Korzeniowski Headshot

The Internet of Things & Connectivity

How do you see the Internet of Things shaping the direction of the heavy-duty vehicle markets?

MTS Sensors provides linear position sensors that are used to control machine function. The position output is provided using multiple communication protocols that work with all common control systems. We are seeing increased requirements from market leaders for more sensors to monitor cylinder health and anticipate performance or maintenance needs.


Automation Advancements & Smart Systems

What technology is the most significant contributor to the progress of vehicle automation? 

Vehicle automation, as with any other automation, requires good feedback and information about the status of vehicle operation to close the loop in automation control. MTS Temposonic sensors are rugged and reliable in Off-Highway applications, and with more than 15 years of field experience across construction, agriculture, and municipal vehicles, MTS sensors is at the forefront of vehicle automation. 


How does your company contribute to autonomous systems development and success? 

Our growth strategy is focused on assisting our customers in increasing machine automation. We are constantly collaborating with machine builders as they look to improve productivity and safety through automation.


Hybrids & Electrification

Is the future fully electric, or will there always be a need for engine/hydraulic supplementary power?

With a closed loop control system, it is possible to tune the performance and the efficiency of your engine/hydraulic power system, allowing more flexibility when deciding between fully electric or hybrid systems.

Managing the Data Trend

Several manufacturers are now investing in data analyst and programmer experts to shape the direction of their company and its use of data. What is your company’s end goal with data? 

MTS Sensors contributes to the vital pool of data used to design, test and operate today’s off-highway equipment. We provide products that supply the data used by manufacturers. Our sensors can be found in a manufacturer’s development stages, field validation testing, and in vehicles being built every day. 


Challenges & Opportunities

What new challenges have arisen that effect the way you design or manufacture your product? How you do business? How you go to market? How you differentiate yourself from the competition? 

Our challenge is to push the envelope to offer products designed for the off-highway market. It is critical that the sensors are designed for the application and market, not an adaption of industrial products – this is something MTS offers that is unique for the market. Our sensors are built-to-order and meet our customers’ requirements exactly. 


What is your company’s opportunity to impact the marketplace with a unique product, capability or offering? 

MTS Sensors has led the off-highway industry in providing the most reliable and repeatable product with our magnetostrictive sensing technology. In order to meet the market’s demands, we are offering CANbus and digital outputs, in order to integrate our sensors into more sophisticated control systems.


The Global Landscape

What are your regions/markets of interest for expansion or investment you are looking at for future opportunities?

We continue to see expansion in our traditional markets of Europe and the Americas, and are investing to support this growth. We target regions that are making advances in automation technologies, so for MTS Sensors our largest future opportunity is the Asia Pacific region, which is growing rapidly and adopting highly intelligent systems. 

