Design & Engineering Insights: Parker LORD Sensing Technologies Aid Autonomous Vehicle Development

As technology advances, sensors are becoming more precise to enable improved safety and operation of autonomous vehicles.

Technology for autonomous equipment is accelerating at a very quick rate right now, says Steve Mundell, Business Unit Manager at Parker LORD. As such, more precise measurements can be achieved with sensors which allows them to be used in various applications and offer improved safety.

He says Parker LORD offers various inertial sensor technologies for use in autonomous vehicles which can detect rate of rotation, mapping and vehicle rollover in several types of off-highway applications. The company’s sensors can also be plugged into sensor products to aid with the development when the exact parameters needed for an application are not known.

As the push toward automation continues, more sensor technologies will be fused with one another. Eventually, Mundell says this will lead to manufacturers providing a full navigation solution which fuses together all the information from various sensors. This will make it easier to develop autonomous vehicles, especially for those manufacturers who may not have the expertise to do so in house.
