AEM Now Offering Spanish-Language Edition of ULSD Best Practices Bulletin

AEM is now offering a Spanish-language version of its ULSD best practices bulletin designed to help educate industry workers in the U.S. and around the world about proper remote refueling practices.

The Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) offers a new Spanish-language edition of its ULSD best-practices bulletin to educate more industry workers, in the U.S. and globally, on proper remote refueling practices using Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD).

With ULSD use mandated in the North American market, the Spanish edition helps fill the education needs of the industry workforce.

And the growing use of ULSD in developing regions, including Latin America, creates an opportunity to educate workers globally as they start using ULSD.

ULSD fuel has a greater static charge than regular diesel fuel with its higher sulfur content. The AEM bulletin, titled “ULSD...Not Your Same Old Diesel Fuel Anymore,” focuses on static electricity risks during refueling, which can include fire or explosion when combustible vapors are present. 

Chinese and Portuguese versions of the ULSD bulletin are also planned.

“Our member manufacturers operate in the global marketplace; this broader educational outreach helps promote safety on farms and jobsites around the world,” states Mike Weber, AEM Technical & Safety Services Manager.

The AEM bulletin emphasizes that refueling systems should be properly maintained and checked for proper functioning. The bulletin urges industry workers to consult with their fuel or fuel system supplier to ensure the delivery system is in compliance with fueling standards for proper grounding and bonding practices.

A multi-sector AEM ad hoc committee of member manufacturers developed the best practices bulletin, and several industry groups have endorsed the publication. Copies are available to no charge on the AEM website in the Safety, Regulatory & Technical section.
