Topcon Precision Agriculture (TPA) announces the release of SGISenterprise software, a new entry into the multi-user data management environment.
“SGISenterprise allows multiple users to access the same database to make collaboration and sharing of data much faster and more intuitive across multiple workstations or locations,” says Rich Haynes, TPA FMIS Support Manager.
“What sets Topcon apart is that we provide users the opportunity to maintain full control and access to their data – it is not uploaded to a server in some remote location but stored on a server at the customer’s location,” says Joe Tevis, PhD, Director, Agronomic Products and Services for Topcon.
“SGISenterprise contains all of the industry leading agronomy and GIS tools that are in SGISpro, but its multi-user architecture makes it the perfect corporate agronomy solution,” says Tevis. “In addition, it can be integrated with Topcon MAGNET (Mobile Ag Network), purchased separately, to provide seamless file transfer to and from the Topcon X30 as well as all popular precision ag application control terminals.”