Scania Interim Report, January–September 2012

Summary of the first nine months of 2012

  • Operating income fell to SEK 6,135 m. (9,657), and earnings per share fell to SEK 5.94 (9.11)
  • Net sales decreased by 12% to SEK 57,261 m. (64,795)
  • Cash flow amounted to SEK 2,176 m (3,866) in Vehicles and Services

Comments by Martin Lundstedt, President and CEO “Scania's earnings for the first nine months of 2012 amounted to SEK 6,135 m. Lower vehicle volume, lower capacity utilisation and a higher level of costs pulled down earnings. Order bookings for trucks during the third quarter of 2012 decreased compared to the previous quarter. In Europe, the first part of the third quarter is usually characterised by low activity.

"However, order bookings in September continued at the same low level in many markets, affected by lower economic activity and hesitancy among customers to invest in new vehicles. This is despite a growing replacement need in Europe, given the low truck deliveries in recent years. In Brazil, the market has been at a lower level compared to the previous year due to the transition to Euro 5 and a weaker economy."

Open the document to read more on Scania's first 9 months in 2012.
