Power Solutions International Inc. (PSI), a leader in the design, engineer and manufacture of emissions-certified, alternative-fuel power systems, presents its latest heavy-duty and industrial powertrains at the 2016 POWER-GEN International Trade Show, to be held December 13-15 in Orlando, FL.
PSI's top highlights include the launch of its new 2.4-L (25 kWe) engine. The company is also showcasing a Heavy-Duty engine family with expanded ratings ranging from 70-600 kWe.
In addition to the two new powertrains, PSI will display the 3.0-L and the PSI-designed 4.3-L and 8.8-L industrial powertrains at POWER-GEN. The company's full Industrial Stationary line also includes 0.97-L and 5.7-L models.
PSI will also display its 14.6-L, 22-L Lean Burn LP, and 29-L Heavy-Duty engines at POWER-GEN. The complete Heavy-Duty line also includes 8.1-L and 11.1-L models.
In addition to the company's own display, several of PSI's customers are presenting products featuring complete PSI power units, including the 29-L, 8.8-L and 2.4-L powertrains.