Sy-Klone XLR Powered Engine Precleaner

The XLR Powered Engine Precleaner performs at 99.99% precleaning efficiency with very low restriction.

Xlr Cf2 Hiw Diagram Compact Motor Line Drawing 72dpi
Sy-Klone International
Sy Klone Logo 300x55

Sy-Klone offers the XLR Powered Precleaner to aid with engine airflow protection.

  • Performs at 99.99% precleaning efficiency with very low restriction, regardless of engine airflow demand the moment the machine is turned on
  • Airflow is pulled into the unit by a motorized fan warranted to -40 F (-40 C), which breaks snow and ice into tiny bits
  • Precleaning action removes majority of frozen particles, consisting of heavier-than-air portion of the debris, which ride along the inside walls until they are forcibly ejected at the rear of the unit, almost like a snowblower
  • Remaining light-as-air particles are drawn to a high-efficiency filter located in the center of the unit, well out of the path of the heavier debris
  • Because the XLR is at the same ambient temperature as the snow and ice, frozen particles fall off the filter
  • Filter is made of high-tech media designed to shed debris

Xlr Ejecting Snow ScaledSy-Klone International

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