CEMA Urges Fast Agreement on Stage V Regulation

CEMA is calling on EU regulators to finalize the new Stage V emissions regulations to ensure manufacturers have to meet the 2019 compliance deadline.

Discussion on the new Stage V diesel engine emissions regulation is about to be finalized. Another trialogue meeting between the three EU Institutions (Commission, Parliament, Council) is planned for later in January. A final compromise will then - hopefully - be found by the three Institutions in the coming weeks.

Since the first introduction date of the new emission limits is already set for January 1, 2019 and thus less than 3 years away, legal certainty is vitally important to provide manufacturers of agricultural machinery with sufficient lead-time to prepare the necessary re-design of their machinery. CEMA therefore calls on the trialogue negotiators to finalize the discussions as soon as possible and have the new regulation published in the coming months.

So far, an agreement has been reached on most of the changes requested by CEMA, but certain issues, such as the limits for inland waterway vessels, still remain open. The issues on which an agreement has been found include:

  • the extension of the transition scheme by six additional months;
  • the introduction of a replacement engine provision, even though there is still a discussion on the duration
  • the increase of the threshold of the small volume manufacturers provision
  • the enabling of a direct step from Stage IIIB to Stage V for narrow tractors