Power Solutions 40-L Engine Receives EPA Certification

The engine provides propane and natural gas capabilities to the power generation and industrial markets.

Power Solutions International Inc. (PSI), a leader in the design, engineering and manufacture of emissions-certified, alternative-fuel power systems, announces that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has certified the company’s new 40-L stationary spark ignited engine. The new EPA certification, received on October 3, covers both stationary and mobile, non-road emission regulations for constant speed operation on both commercial pipeline quality natural gas (CNG/LNG) and propane (LPG).

The 40-L engine has a range of 600-800 kWe and is now ready for production. The engine is part of PSI’s expanded natural gas product line, which ranges from 2.4- to 65-L of displacement and 25 kWe to 1.2 MW.

Like all of PSI’s power generation products, the 40-L engine is fitted with the company’s advanced fuel and emission control systems, which are designed to provide application-specific performance.

“The addition of the 40-L engine provides PSI and its customers exciting new opportunities in the oil and gas and healthcare markets, to name a few,” says Mike Biltimier, Vice President of PSI’s Energy Division. “The PSI rich-burn fuel system utilized across our engine platform enables our customers to meet the stringent regulatory requirements as needed in non-attainment zones while also achieving demand response and performance that meets NFPA 110 and other requirements.”

PSI’s systems are used globally in stationary and mobile power generation applications supporting standby, prime, distributed generation, demand response and co-generation power (CHP). The 40-L engine is largely designed for energy market applications including power generation, oil and gas exploration and other industrial sectors.
