Cummins Engineer Receives SAE/AEM Outstanding Young Engineer Award

Rohit Saha, Machine Simulation-Senior Technical Specialist with Cummins Inc., was honored for his work and dedication to the industry.

Rohit Saha, Machine Simulation-Senior Technical Specialist with Cummins Inc., has received the SAE/AEM Outstanding Young Engineer award for 2019.  SAE-AEM Outstanding Young Engineer Rohit Saha (center) with Raman Venkatesh, SAE Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer (left) and Paul Mascarenas, Venture Partner, Fontinalis Partners LLC and 2019 SAE International President (right).SAE-AEM Outstanding Young Engineer Rohit Saha (center) with Raman Venkatesh, SAE Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer (left) and Paul Mascarenas, Venture Partner, Fontinalis Partners LLC and 2019 SAE International President (right).

The Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) and SAE International established the award in 1996 to recognize an outstanding young engineer in the off-highway or powerplant industry.

Rohit received the award at the recent SAE COMVEC event in Indianapolis, IN.

 “We are pleased to support SAE and recognize the next generation as we promote industry workforce development and excellence,” states Mike Pankonin, AEM’s Senior Director, Technical and Safety Services. “We commend Rohit for his work and dedication and wish him continued success.”

SAE provided background on Rohit:

Rohit Saha is currently Machine Simulation- Senior Technical Specialist at Cummins. He specializes on industrial powertrains (performance & FE) and 3D CFD system level simulation like under-hood cooling, and external aerodynamics on both on-Highway and off-highway machines.

He has published over 12 SAE technical papers and 10 patents at various stages of approval. He has been providing engineering design and analytical services to Cummins’ OEMs for overall machine level multi-domain optimization since 2011. He holds a BS in Civil Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, and an MS in Mechanical Engineering from the Texas A&M University.

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