Associated Equipment Distributors President & CEO Brian McGuire issued the following statement in response to this week’s Senate passage of a six-year highway and transit reauthorization bill and action by both houses of Congress of legislation to extend surface transportation funding for three months, the 34th short-term extension since 2009.
“Obviously we’re pleased to finally see some progress on a long-term highway and transit bill. Senators McConnell, Inhofe and Boxer deserve considerable credit for putting together a real reauthorization plan and building a bipartisan coalition to pass it.
“At the same time, the lack of urgency in the House is inexcusable. For months we’ve heard promises and platitudes but seen no action. Rather than rolling up their sleeves and getting to work either writing their own bill or taking up the Senate’s legislation, House lawmakers instead decided to leave for the August recess.
“They’ve hit the road for home while America’s roads and bridges crumble and Congress has once again left state transportation officials, and construction contractors, workers and suppliers in limbo.
“It’s up to equipment dealers and other business leaders across the country to make their representatives and senators feel the political heat this summer and take them to task for ducking their responsibilities and kicking the can down the road for the 34th time since 2009.”