Horton Honored With Award

Horton was a recent recipient of the Celebrate Business Success Award which honors companies in the St. Paul are for their efforts to advance economic development.

Terry Gilberstadt, center, accepted the Celebrate Business Success Award on Horton's behalf at the awards ceremony in September.
Terry Gilberstadt, center, accepted the Celebrate Business Success Award on Horton's behalf at the awards ceremony in September.
Horton Logo

Horton Holding, Inc. was recognized with the Celebrate Business Success Award for its commitment to advancing economic development in the Saint Paul/East metro area. The award was accepted by Terry Gilberstadt at the Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce social reception hosted on September 28, 2011 at the Park Square Theatre.

“We are honored to be chosen to receive this award,” says Terry Gilberstadt, Horton Holding, Inc. “We have been committed to strengthening our community since the business began 60 years ago.”

Horton has a long history of leadership in Junior Achievement and involvement in Meals on Wheels. The company provides donations to the United Way and Como Park Zoo and Conservatory as well as scholarship support for local technical colleges and universities. In addition to corporate giving, Horton has recently expanded its staff in Roseville, MN and other Midwest facilities. Several of Horton’s talented engineers were gained through participation in the University of Minnesota Engineering Co-op Program.

Developed in partnership between the Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce and Moore, Costello & Hart, P.L.L.P in 2005, the Celebrate Business Success Award honors businesses and individuals that provide leading examples of how members of the business community contribute to a shared vision of economic success throughout the area. The Chamber of Commerce receives hundreds of nominations each year. Fifteen winners are chosen and presented with the award at events throughout the year.
