Oberon Fuels
La Jolla, CA 92037
Company Details
2223 Avenida de la Playa
Suite 212
La Jolla, CA 92037
United States
Phone:(858) 754-3201
Oberon Fuels is bringing DME to North America with its proprietary skid-mounted, small-scale process. DME (dimethyl ether) is a clean-burning, potentially renewable fuel and an excellent, inexpensive diesel alternative that meets strict emissions standards.
Our small-scale production units enable the development of regional fuel markets that service local customers engaged in regional haul, initially bypassing the need for a national infrastructure. In addition, capital expenditures are in sync with market growth-the initial investment is small compared to large scale plants. As the DME market develops, more small-scale production units will be deployed in each region, and new regions will be added across North America.
Key Contact
Beth Walsh
Products & Press Releases
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