Stricter emission standards and rising fuel costs have led to a significant increase in demand for energy-efficient solutions once again. For this reason, Bosch Rexroth is presenting a broad range of hydraulics solutions at bauma 2013 in Munich. These technologies can significantly reduce the fuel consumption and emissions of diesel engines without any negative effect on cost and performance. Quite the contrary: in many cases, the productivity and comfort of construction machinery can be improved considerably.
For the first half of 2013 at the very least, many segments in the construction machinery industry will continue to be volatile. “Especially in China, which is one of our core markets, we will keep facing extreme fluctuation in demand,” says Peter Dschida, Vice President Sales Mobile Applications at Bosch Rexroth. Dschida expects positive developments in North America and in some parts of Asia. In contrast, the European market will continue to be influenced by the euro crisis.
The manufacturers and users of construction machinery are concerned not only about current economic developments in different parts of the world. At present, their main challenge is the prospect of ever-stricter emission standards in the United States and Europe. As a result of the Tier 4 and Stage IV regulations, only a fraction of the previously allowed particulate and NOx emissions will be permitted from 2014 onward. Stricter emission standards are planned in Japan as well, and other countries are also expected to follow suit, just as they have in the past. Moreover, as a result of skyrocketing fuel prices around the world, users are keeping an ever-closer eye on the fuel consumption of construction machinery. “Never before have operating costs played such an important role,” says Dschida.
Despite stricter emission standards and rising fuel costs, the operators expect their work machinery to be both flexible and comfortable. "All of these goals can be reached only with innovative technology," says Dschida. Bosch Rexroth supports manufacturers and users alike with a comprehensive range of products that can be adapted to individual needs. Rexroth products can either be integrated into the development of new models, or they can be applied to optimize existing vehicle series. At the same time, the solutions are designed in such a manner that they can easily be integrated into different models and vehicle classes without taking up too much space.
Concrete solutions for lower fuel consumption and greater comfort
Bosch Rexroth's new "Virtual Bleed Off" (VBO) technology for excavators combines lower fuel consumption with fast response times and a high level of dynamic system stability. On the basis of VBO, Doosan Infracore sought out Bosch Rexroth as its technical partner to develop its new D-ECOPOWER technology. Doosan is presenting the first vehicle models to be equipped with the technology at bauma 2013. According to Doosan, the DX340LC-3 34-ton excavator with D-ECOPOWER achieves a 26% improvement in terms of fuel efficiency compared to its predecessor. In addition, the excavator is far more comfortable and consumes 12% less fuel.
The wheel loader manufacturer Atlas Weyhausen is premiering Bosch Rexroth's hydraulic start/stop solution at bauma 2013. The AR 60 is a 4.4-ton wheel loader with a 49 kW/67 hp engine. The start/stop system enables the diesel engine to switch off automatically when the machine is not called upon to drive or carry out a work task. Given the idling time of up to 30 percent in this machine class, the start/stop function offers obvious savings potential both for exhaust gas and noise emissions. Once the engine is required for a driving or work function, it starts automatically within 800 milliseconds from standstill to the required rotation speed, using energy that was previously hydraulically stored. This makes it possible to maintain the same ease of use as when the engine continues to operate during idling.
Interplay of components illustrated in a functional model
With the help a functional model, the Bosch Rexroth stand at bauma 2013 is presenting the technical details of its start/stop solution as well as other new developments. The installation, which is over six meters long and almost three meters high, clearly demonstrates not only the functionality of a broad range of systems. It also reflects the multifaceted relationships and the resulting interplay between a mobile work machine's core systems. These include everything from power generation (diesel engine) and transformation (hydraulic or electric) to exhaust gas aftertreatment.
“The trend is undeniable: the interplay of individual components requires ever more systems know-how,” says Dschida. In addition to the Rexroth modules, the functional modal also features systems from other Bosch divisions and subsidiaries. For instance, Bosch Emission Systems GmbH is showing individual solutions for exhaust-gas aftertreatment, and the Diesel Systems division is presenting a new electric hybrid system as well as its tried and tested diesel injection technology. Overall, the Bosch Rexroth stand at bauma 2013 reflects the company's broad portfolio of technologies.
Optimization with the 4EE system
The comprehensive Rexroth 4EE (Rexroth for Energy Efficiency) approach helps manufacturers use their construction machinery in an optimal manner and at the best possible level of energy efficiency. Thanks to flexible solutions and advisory services, manufacturers can optimize their current vehicle lines and develop new models that meet Tier 4 standard, for instance. With its 4EE concept, Bosch Rexroth has developed an approach that makes it possible to develop new machine concepts and optimize existing systems and devices. The concept applies four levers to significantly improve the energy efficiency of machines and systems throughout their life cycle. First, energy system design focuses on actual energy needs in the development of new solutions and optimization processes. Second, the aim of efficient components is to ensure the best possible level of efficiency by applying energy-efficient products and systems. Third, energy recovery aims to use hydraulic accumulator charging circuits and feedback-enabled drives to store unused energy that can be used at a later date. And finally, energy on demand focuses on managing energy needs and achieving high energy savings, for instance by switching off unneeded components.