For the first time, a machine of Liebherr's maritime division was presented at bauma in Munich. The Liebherr LRS Log Handler already convinces selected test customers with its remarkable performance.
From the April 8-14, 2019, the Liebherr LRS Log Handler was presented to the public for the first time at the world's largest construction fair, bauma in Munich. The Log Handler showpiece received a prominent position on the so-called bauma Boulevard next to Gate 15. The agile timber-handling machine marks the first appearance of a Liebherr maritime division machine at bauma so far.
The LRS in Log Handler-Version
The main field of application of a log handler is the fast, maneuverable and, in particular, mobile transport of logs within industrial plant premises and timber handling terminals. Especially in wood-processing companies such as sawmills, paper or pulp mills, but also for shipment in ports and inland ports, the Liebherr Log Handler is considered to be a robust, reliable and powerful machine.
At this stage, several test devices have already demonstrated their capabilities to selected customers. The LRS LH was particularly convincing with its impressive grapple capacity of 8.2 m² and an unprecedented load curve. The working area of the machine is characterized by a stacking height and an outreach of over 8 m each.
The new Liebherr Log Handler combines all the advantages of the well-known LRS series for container handling, with a wide range of modifications specially designed for timber handling. Thanks to numerous parallels to the common reachstacker, the construction of the new device could benefit from many experiences. In addition, the Log Handler - like all Liebherr Reachstackers - is equipped with a stepless, hydrostatic drive. It is characterized above all by reduced fuel consumption and excellent driving performance.
Hybrid Power Booster
The Liebherr Pactronic hybrid drive system fitted as standard in the Log Handler enables a temporary increase in performance without additional fuel consumption and exhaust emissions, if required. The sustainable hybrid drive therefore reduces the emission of CO2 and other harmful substances. The fuel saving is achieved through complete utilization of the regenerative energy and surplus power in the system. The Pactronic system from Liebherr is an impressive power booster. With Pactronic, Liebherr smooths the path towards goods handling with high efficiency and low emissions.
Other new features for the Log Handler include a log pusher specially designed for timber handling and a massive protective structure for the driver's cab.