The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) has completed a revision to a previously adopted ISO standard ISO 8759-1:1998 DEC2010, Agricultural wheel tractors – Front-mounted equipment – Part 1: Power take-off and three-point linkage.
The revision, ANSI/ASABE AD8759-1:1998 JUN2012, Agricultural wheel tractors – Front-mounted equipment – Part 1: Power take-off and three-point linkage, adopts over speed requirements that are identical to the rear PTO over speed requirements described in ASABE ISO adoption ANSI/ASABE AD500-1:2004 W/Cor.1 OCT2011, Agricultural tractors — Rear-mounted power take-off types 1, 2 and 3 — Part 1: General specifications, safety requirements, dimensions for master shield and clearance zone. These changes align with the over speed requirements that were contained in one of the oldest standards developed by ASABE, ASAE S203, Front and Rear Power Take-off for Agricultural Tractors. S203 provided the original specifications for the 540 rpm rear PTO used on hundreds of thousands of tractors worldwide and was in continuous publication from the 1920s to 2010. It was used as a basis for the development for many international standards on PTO operation, including the two adopted by ASABE mentioned above.
ASABE members with standards access and those with site-license privileges can access the full-text via electronic download on the ASABE online Technical Library at Others can obtain a copy for a fee directly from the library or by contacting ASABE headquarters at [email protected].