Titan Tire TGS2 Tire for Motor Graders

The Titan TGS2 radial all-season tires for motor graders can plow through snow-packed roadways while maintaining a smooth, safe ride.

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Titan International Inc. has released the Titan TGS2, a line of radial all-season tires for motor graders.

  • Provides optimum stability, regardless of weather
  • Reliably plows through snow-packed roadways while maintaining smooth, safe ride
  • Available in both standard and low sidewall (LSW) sizes
  • LSW version improves ride quality and reduces vehicle bouncing
  • Tread has open-shoulder design with full tread-depth across its surface, providing superior traction in snow, ice and mud
  • Siping on lugs provides additional biting edge that enhances performance, especially in foul weather
  • Currently available in standard 14.00R24, 17.5R25, 20.5R25 sizes, as well as an LSW 17.5R31.5 and LSW 20.5R31.5
  • LSW design incorporates larger rim diameter, helping reduce sidewall recoil and provide enhanced stability and traction in all road conditions



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