CiA Tests First CANopen Device to Successfully Pass Interoperability Test

Faulhaber's MCBL300 motion controller is the first CANopen device to successfully pass CAN in Automation's interoperability test.

Ca Nin Automation Interoperability Testing

CAN in Automation (CiA), the international users’ and manufacturers’ group, tests the interoperability of CANopen devices. Faulhaber’s MCBL300 motion controller is the first CANopen device, which has passed this test. In opposite to the CANopen conformance test, the interoperability test is a system approach. The device-under-test (DUT) is proofed in the “golden” CANopen network installed in the association’s laboratory. The test procedure assures that CANopen devices are capable of interacting with a variety of other products from different manufacturers, all integrated into the same test stand (see photo). It also includes some stress tests in order to proof that the DUT runs even at high busloads or with long bus-lines, for example.

CiA also organizes so-called plug-fests, during which manufacturers connect ad-hoc their CANopen devices to test interoperability between different products. The next CANopen plug-fest will be dedicated for CANopen Safety products. The interoperability of CANopen Safety devices is not in the scope of the functional safety testing and certification by national authorities.
