The CANopen profiles for encoders (CiA 406) and inclinometers (CiA 410) have been updated and released as version 4.0 resp. version 2.0. Both profiles specify safety-related sensor data and its mapping into SRDOs (safety-related data objects) as defined in CANopen-Safety (EN 50325-5). These specifications are the first ones standardizing functional safety on the device profile level. The next one in the pipeline is the profile for drives and motion controllers (CiA 402 series).
CANopen-Safety is supported by an increasing number of IEC 61131-3 programmable controllers. They are mainly applied in mobile machines. The released CANopen sensor profiles allow interoperability between encoders resp. inclinometers from different vendors. “The success story of the CANopen device profiles continues also for functional safety,” states Holger Zeltwanger, CAN in Automation (CiA) Managing Director. “The standardized device profiles simplifies system integration, and the machine builder can substitute a product more easily.”