Sensors Signs Distribution Agreement With NAPRO Electronics

Sensors Inc. has signed a distribution agreement with NAPRO Electronics, who will distribute Sensors' SEMTECH line in South America.

Sensors Inc., the leading manufacturer of portable emissions measurement systems (PEMS), announces that NAPRO Electronics Industrial Ltd. has signed a distribution agreement with Sensors, and will be distributing the SEMTECH product line in South America.

NAPRO has been a customer for Sensors' Inspection and Maintenance solutions for over 15 years. They have provided test cell solutions for Latin American vehicle manufacturers for over two decades, including a recent "shed" solution for Volkswagen. Under the new agreement, NAPRO will now also distribute Sensors' PEMS equipment.

"We are pleased to announce that we have expanded distribution of the SEMTECH product line to include Latin America, by reaching an agreement with NAPRO Eletronica Industriale, Ltda.  NAPRO has been involved with sales and service of test cell instrumentation for over 20 years, and is clearly recognized as a superb provider," Rob Wilson, VP of Sales and Marketing states. "This step marks a major move into the Latin American market, which offers a significant opportunity for the SEMTECH Product Line, including our latest generation of the products, ECOSTAR and LASAR."
