Divelbiss Corporation announces significant upgrades to its P-Series PLC on a Chip based controllers integrating enhanced J1939/NMEA2000 connectivity options and SD Card data logging.
- Supports user configurable messaging, allowing freedom to fully implement communication buses
- PGNs and SPNs may be utilized from the built-in database when implemented in a J1939 system
- Address claim functionality is now fully supported with a user-defined Name field, as is a user-selectable bit rate
- BAM and CM messaging may also be utilized when needed
- Provides ability to send or request any PGN/SPN or send/receive diagnostic messages DM1, DM2 or DM3
- NMEA2000 specific features are also supported, such as NMEA2000 Name field for address claim and Fast Packet Send/Receive communications
- Standard function blocks allow user to easily map specific SPN values to program variables
- Data is easily logged to an SD card in either binary or ASCII formats
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