dSPACE Appoints New CEO

dSPACE announces Martin Goetzeler will be the new CEO, succeeding Herbert Hanselmann.

Martin Goetzeler (left), Dr. Herbert Hanselmann
Martin Goetzeler (left), Dr. Herbert Hanselmann
Dspace 10055308

The dSPACE group companies, under the leadership of owner and CEO Dr. Herbert Hanselmann (69), have appointed Martin Goetzeler (55) as the new CEO, effective as of March 01, 2018.

Goetzeler completed a trainee program and earned a degree in Business Administration before holding a range of positions at Siemens, with managerial positions starting in 1989. After gaining several years of experience abroad as the president or CFO of OSRAM in Italy, the UK, and the U.S., he was appointed chief executive officer of OSRAM, a leading producer of lighting and LED products for general and automotive applications, in 2005. Most recently, Goetzeler held the position of CEO at AIXTRON SE for 4 years, a worldwide leading provider of deposition equipment to the semiconductor industry.

His broad technical qualification, international experience, and his expertise in managing medium-sized companies are key factors qualifying him for his tasks at dSPACE. “Martin Goetzeler brings all the assets we are looking for in a CEO and lives by the same values, so he and the experienced board of directors can steer dSPACE towards a successful future,” states Hanselmann.

Dr. Hanselmann will stay on board as a managing director for a transition period, after which Goetzeler will take on full responsibility as the CEO. Dr. Hanselmann will then take on an advisory role. Since dSPACE is to remain a family-operated company, one of Goetzeler’s tasks will be to prepare the second generation of the Hanselmann family for their work in the company.

Goetzeler is married with two children.
