The dSPACE AUTERA AutoBox provides the high computation power, bandwidth, and storage necessary for development of autonomous systems.

D Space Autera Auto Box
Dspace 10055308

dSPACE introduces the AUTERA product family, which will provide developers and test drivers with a complete product portfolio that supports the development of functions for automated driving. 

  • Provides high computation power, high bandwidth, and abundant storage  
  • Typical areas of application are the recording of vast volumes of data during test drives, for development or homologation, as well as the replay of recorded data in the laboratory, or prototyping of sensor fusion or perception algorithms
  • AUTERA Data Storage Unit provides multiple terabytes of storage space in combination with high-volume AUTERA solid-state disk and large storage bandwidth of up to 50 Gbit/s
  • Can be equipped with hardware accelerators, such as GPUs and FPGAs, to handle computation-intensive tasks such as the development, validation, and optimization of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms
  • Hardware accelerators can also be used during data logging of a test drive to perform intelligent data filtering and preprocessing to save time for data evaluation and implicitly increase storage capacity for data logging system  
  • Offers extensive bus and network support based on the latest standards, such as AUTOSAR and FIBEX
  • Records precise time stamps to process data from various sensors synchronously
  • Supports a number of camera interfaces, including GMSL II, FPD Link III, or CSI II 
  • Dedicated AUTERA upload station will be available to upload the logged data as quickly and easily as possible to an existing server or cloud infrastructure
  • Interfaces can upload recorded data to data center at an extremely high bandwidth, for example, 100 Gbit/s Ethernet 
  • Supports all relevant sensor interfaces, buses, and networks
  • Can be combined with other development systems, such as MicroAutoBox, and is ready for use with preinstalled software
  • Delivered with a setup based on RTMaps, a component-based software development and run-time environment which allows users to record data from various sensors and vehicle buses and add time stamps, synchronize the data, and replay it
  • Additional software environments, such as Linux-based applications, can be used
  • Documented API of all relevant interfaces is provided
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