SystemDesk Version 4.3

dSPACE introduces the latest version of its ECU modeling software, SystemDesk 4.3.

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SystemDesk version 4.3 from dSPACE is a convenient tool for completely modeling electronic control unit (ECU) software in compliance with AUTOSAR R4.0. 

  • Ensures reliable and convenient hand-offs between OEMs and suppliers who develop embedded software and systems for electronic control units (ECUs) according to AUTOSAR
  • Enables easy, error-free exchange of data with automatic code generation tool TargetLink during function development and with EB tresos to configure basic software of ECU
  • Allows definition of own rules when exporting software architecture model data for processing in other tools to ensure error-free interaction with existing software tool chains
  • Validation process works with push-button ease to ensure that modeled AUTOSAR elements are complete and consistent
  • System modeling based on AUTOSAR 4, covering creation of software architecture and ECU topology, as well as integration of network communication
  • Ability to generate virtual electronic control units (V-ECUs) according to AUTOSAR R4 makes testing new ECU functions without a hardware prototype fast and easy
  • Automatically configures and generates additional components, such as the AUTOSAR Runtime Environment and the basic software components of ECU software required for the simulation
  • Developers can generate their own V-ECUs to test the software functionality without requiring any previous knowledge about the basic software 
  • V-ECUs can be modified quickly to reflect design changes
  • Provides support with clearly organized diagrams, convenient configuration dialogs, and options for complete automation of all modeling steps
  • Integrated validation rules guarantee data is exchanged smoothly between different work groups and the various tools used to develop ECU software
  • Dedicated dialogs and graphical representation ensure easy handling and clear organization so users can keep track of everything despite the enormous number of options
  • Data is validated while it is being entered, thereby reducing post design analysis and corrections
  • Simplifies modeling process by its tool automation throughout entire process
  • Supports connections to other software tools in development process
  • Can be closely coupled with TargetLink, a production code generator, so that function code can be integrated quickly into the appropriate software components
  • Options for importing and exporting AUTOSAR files facilitates data exchange between OEMs and their suppliers, and also simplifies access to version control systems
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