British Engine Manufacturing Declines 10.6% in July

Demand continued to be down from domestic and international markets, reports SMMT.

Enginemanufacturingsummary July2020
The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT)

Engine manufacturing in the U.K. fell once again in July 2020 to 176,377 units. The 10.6% drop brings year-to-date output to a total of 537,712 units, a decline of 35.2%. 

Demand from domestic and international markets fell 16.6% and 6.5% respectively.

U Kengineproduction Jul2020

"July’s engine production figures, while an improvement on recent months, highlight that this sector’s future is far from secure. As the sector tries to ramp up production while also grappling with heavy losses and global economic uncertainty, it simply cannot afford the further blow of tariffs at the end of the year if a deal with the EU cannot be struck. Even in a pandemic, exports sustain UK engine production so an ambitious Free Trade Agreement that allows this valuable trade to recover and prosper is critical," says Mike Hawes, Chief Executive, the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT). 
