The world’s most advanced and efficient clean diesel equipment and technology for America and the world’s agricultural sector is being unveiled to the public and farm industry at this week’s 2015 World Ag Expo in Tulare, CA.
The World Ag Expo is the world's largest annual agricultural exposition. More than 1,400 exhibitors are displaying the latest in farm equipment, communications and technology on 2.6 million square feet of exhibit space, according to expo officials. Last year, almost 100,000 attendees from 50 countries attended the three-day event.
“Diesel engines power more than two-thirds of all farm equipment in the United States,” says Allen Schaeffer, the Executive Director of the Diesel Technology Forum. “These farm tractors, combines, irrigation pumps and other equipment are the workhorses in an industry vital to our national economy and quality of life.
“This new generation clean diesel technologies is ultimately a game-changer for farmers here in America and ultimately around the world. With near-zero emissions, these machines are capable of doing more work than ever before, and will help boost the farm economy and contribute to improved air quality. Meeting these stringent ‘Tier 4’ U.S. emissions standards is made possible by the clean diesel system which combines ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel, advanced clean burning diesel engines, and emissions control and exhaust aftertreatment systems.
“And the good thing for America’s air quality is that the new clean diesel equipment is also being used in a wide range of off-road equipment including the construction and forestry sectors along with agriculture.
“What we’re seeing at the World AG Expo this week is the world’s newest and cleanest diesel technology that have reduced emissions by more than 90% in just the past decade,” Schaeffer says.
While New Diesel Technology Reduces Emissions . . . It Also Increases Efficiency In A Wide Selection of Agricultural Equipment
“There are two things that stand out in new benefits to the agriculture industry,” Schaeffer says. “First, the fact that manufacturers were able to meet this challenge over such a wide range of diverse size and types of equipment is truly a remarkable achievement.
“Second, the manufacturers were able to accomplish major emission reductions while also making these machines more efficient and productive for their customers. Reducing fuel costs, lowering emissions and improving productivity are key aspects of boosting the farming economy.”